General info

The 13th conference on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" was held in Paris, France, in May 2010

Armand Albergel, Jacques Moussafir, Bernard Favre, Audrey Deblay, Terri Andon, Giuseppe Brusasca, Patrick Armand

Steering Committee

D. Anfossi, J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, D. Carruthers, A. Coppalle, C. Cuvelier, F. Martin, C. Mensink, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, A. Skouloudis, P. Suppan, S. Vidič

Scientific Committee

A. Albergel, D. Anfossi, J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, R.E. Britter, B. Carissimo, D. Carruthers, C. Cuvelier, S.-E. Gryning, A. Jeričević, G. Kallos, P. Kassomenos, F. Martin, C. Mensink, P. Mestayer, J.F. Sini, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, M. Schatzmann, A. Skouloudis, P. Suppan, D. Syrakov, D. J. Thomson, I. Ziomas


The following topics were covered during the conference:
  • H13-1 - Model evaluation and quality assurance - model validation, model intercomparisons, model uncertainties and model sensitivities
  • H13-2 - Environmental impact assessment: Air pollution management, decision support systems
  • H13-3 - Use of modelling in support of EU air quality directives
  • H13-4 - Modelling of hazardous releases
  • H13-5 - Mesoscale meteorology and air quality modelling
  • H13-6 - Urban scale and street canyon modelling: Meteorology and air quality
  • H13-7 - Concentration fluctuations and odour
  • H13-8 - Inverse dispersion modelling
  • H13-9 - General Session
  • H13-10 - Fairmode
  • H13-11 - Eyjafjoll Volcano

Full length papers

IJEP Volume 48, No. 1-4 (2012)

Proceedings and presentations

Extended Abstract
Poster or Presentation
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M. Gonçalves, M. Piot, O. Jorba, D. Carrió, S. Gassó, J. M. Baldasano

Near real time evaluation of the Spanish air quality forecast system CALIOPE

C.P. Tanzi, A. Van Dijk

Radiological impact of regular emissions from industrial sources: comparison of OPS and the transport model NPK-PUFF.

S. Argence, P. Armand, T. Yalamas, F. Deheeger, F. Brocheton, E. Buisson

Investigation of different methodologies to characterize and propagate uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion modelling: application to long-term impact assessment

M. R. Theobald, P. Løfstrøm, H. V. Andersen, P. Pedersen, J. Walker, A. Vallejo, M. A. Sutton

An intercomparison of models used to simulate the short range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of agricultural ammonia emissions

T. Sakurai

Modeling study on long-range transboundary air pollutions in Northeast Asia

J. Lopez, R. Borge, J. Lumbreras, M. E. Rodriguez, A. Narros

Influence of boundary conditions on CMAQ simulations in the iberian peninsula

M. Monfort, L. Patryl, P. Armand

Presentation of the CERES platform used to evaluate the consequences of the emissions of radionuclides in the environment

E. Demael, S. Richard

Evaluation of DISPAL CFD model against Prairie Grass and Kit Fox Field dataset

L. Donnat, O. Duclaux, C. Puel, F. Vendel, R. Sadek

CFD modeling evaluation for Refining Environmental & Safety Impact concerns

G. Ghermandi, S. Teggi, S. Fabbi, A. Bigi, R. Cecchi

Performance of Different Models to Evaluate Atmospheric Dispersion in Calm Wind Conditions

M.E. Ferrario, A.M. Rossa, M. Sansone, A. Della Valle

Heterogeneity of accumulation and dispersion conditions for PM10 in the Po Valley

T. T. Warner

Quality assurance in the atmospheric-modeling process

R. Bassan, C. Bellio, R. Piol, A. D'Allura, M.G. Morselli, C. Silibello

Air quality forecasting system in a Dolomitic valley: performance comparison between expected and measured data

W. Bahmann, N. Schmonsees

On the applicability of the regulatory dispersion model system AUSTAL2000/TALdia in regard of the building effects in case of flue gas discharge via cooling towers and stacks

H. Dacre

Using a novel quantitative precipitation evaluation technique, SAL, to evaluate air quality forecasts

P. Holnicki, Z. Nahorski, B. Solarz-Niesluchowski, M. Tainio

Uncertainty in air quality forecasts caused by emission uncertainty

B. Khan, T. Appelhans, P. Zawar-Reza, A. Sturman

Advanced dispersion modelling of winter particulate matter from localised emission sources in rural New Zealand

L. Malherbe, A. Wroblewski, L. Létinois, L. Rouïl

Evaluation of numerical models used to simulate atmospheric pollution near roadways

D. C. Oderbolz, S. Andreani-Aksoyoglu, J. Keller, I. Barmpadimos, A.S.H. Prevot, U. Baltensperger

CAMxRunner: A modular environment for efficient CAMx simulations

B. Sapolin, G. Bergametti, P. Bouteilloux, A. Dutot

Methodology for Statistical Evaluation of Atmospheric Dispersion Models in a Risk Assessment Context

I. Korsakissok, V. Mallet

Development and application of a reactive plume-in-grid model : evaluation over Greater Paris

G.T. Geertsema

Upper air wind climatology for legislation, industrial applications and pollution modeling.

R. Brode

Evaluating AERSURFACE Roughness Estimates for Use in EPA's AERMOD Dispersion Model

L. C. Gomes Pimentel, B. D'Aiuto da Cunha, M. Soares da Silva, L. Landau, J. Salvador, P. Guerrero

Performance Assessment of Regulatory Air Quality Models AERMOD and CALPUFF - A Near field case study in Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

L.L.Dyer, P.Astrup

Model evaluation of RIMPUFF within complex terrain using an Ar-41 radiological dataset.

M. Hirtl, B. C. Krüger

PM10-Forecasts for Austria - CAMX simulations with different resolutions in flatland and complex terrain

S. Andronopoulos, L.L. Dyer, E. Davakis, J.G. Bartzis

Evaluation of dispersion models DIPCOT and RIMPUFF used in Decision Support Systems for nuclear and radiological emergency response

O. Tchepel, A. Monteiro, J. Ferreira, D. Dias, A.I. Miranda, C. Borrego

Influence of traffic emissions variability on air quality predictions

N. Kitwiroon, S. Beevers

Comprehensive analysis of annual 2005/2008 simulation of WRF/CMAQ over southeast of England

J. Struzewska, J. W. Kaminski

Semi-operational air quality forecast for Poland and Central Europe with the GEM-AQ model

B. A. Anderson, R. W. Brode, H. Wong

Evaluation of Four Lagrangian Models Against the Cross-Appalachian and European Tracer Experiments

D. Whyatt, A. Malby, R. Timmis

Towards Smarter Air Quality Analysis

G. Gadzhev, G. J. Georgiev, K. G. Ganev, M. Prodanova, D. E. Syrakov, N. G. Miloshev

Analysis of the processes which form the air pollution pattern over the balkan penninsula

G. Briganti,  A. Cappelletti, M. Mircea, A. Pederzoli, L. Vitali, G. Pace, P. Marri, C. Silibello, S. Finardi, G. Calori, G. Zanini

Testing the capability of the MINNI atmospheric modeling system to simulate air pollution in Italy

M. Mircea, A. Cappelletti, G. Briganti, L. Vitali, G. Pace, P. Marri, C. Silibello, S. Finardi, G. Calori, G. Zanini

Impact of horizontal grid resolution on air quality modeling: a case study

T. Flassak, U. Janicke, M. Ketzel

Comparison of ground-level centreline concentrations calculated with the models OML, AERMOD/PRIME, MISKAM and AUSTAL2000 against the Thompson wind tunnel data set for simple stack-building configurations

P. Stocchi, G. Curci, R. Ferretti, T.C. Landi, G.P. Gobbi, F. Barnaba, F. Angelini, L. Caporaso, L. Ferrero, M.G. Perrone, E. Bolzacchini, G. Visconti

Modelling analysis of particulate matter vertical distribution and composition in Milan urban area

S. Ortega, J. Belmonte, M. Alarcón

SILAM in South of Europe: application to the forecast of a birch pollen episode in Catalonia (NE of Spain)

S. Finardi , A. D’Allura, C. Silibello, P. Radice, P. Stocchi, A. Bolignano, M. Morelli, R. Sozzi

Forecast and Near Real time Air Quality modeling Systems for Rome Metropolitan Area: description and preliminary performance evaluation

L. Ait Hamou, C. Souprayen, S. Tripathi

Complex wind and turbulence fields modelling using CFD in comparison to Bolund benchmark cases

A. Kerschbaumer, S. Banzhaf, P. Builtjes

Model Evaluation with respect to Deposition processes

T. Halenka, P. Huszar, M. Belda

Validation of Atmospheric Chemistry/Aerosol Model Coupled to Regional Climate Model in High Resolution

S. Phillips, K. Wang, C. Jang, N. Possiel, M. Strum, T. Fox

Evaluation of 2005 Multi-pollutant Platform: Air Toxics, Ozone, and Particulate Matter

T. Becker, M. Ketzel, P . Loefstroem, H. Lorentz, S. S. Jensen, H. R. Olesen

OML-Highway - a road source model in a GIS environment - evaluation with measurements

P. Giambini, P. Salizzoni, L. Soulhac, A. Corti

Air quality modelling systems for traffic scenario analysis in Florence: model validation and identification of critical issues

J. S. Scire

Development and Application of a Quantitative Index of Steady-State Conditions

A. Syrakos, G. Efthimiou, A. Lappas, A. Sfetsos, N. Gounaris, M. Politis, J.G. Bartzis, D. Sotiropoulos, K. Kotzinos, G. Nikolaou, M. Voutsinas

Assessment of the performance of the UoWM MM5-SMOKE-CMAQ operational system for West Macedonia

R. Forkel, K. Schäfer, S. Emeis, S. Schrader, P. Suppan

Validation of mixed layer heights and aerosol concentrations simulated with WRF-Chem

E. Batchvarova, S.-E. Gryning , M. Quante, V. Mathias

Limitations of the comparisons model vs. observations on the example of a COST728 model evaluation stud

G. Bieberbach, P. E. Bieringer, R. Cabell, J. Hurst, J. Weil, A. Wyszogrodzki, J. Hannan

A Framework for Developing Synthetic Chemical and Biological Agent Release

S. Perdriel, J. Moussafir, C. Dérognat, J. Cortinovis

Simulation of SO2 episodes exceeding EU regulations in the industrial area of Le Havre with the MM5, SWIFT and SPRAY models

N. Platt, D. Deriggi, S. Warner, P. Bieringer, G. Bieberbach, A. Wyszogrodzki, J. Weil

Methodology for Statistical Comparison of VTHREAT Generated Wind Fluctuations with Short-Range Dispersion Observations

F. Brocheton, B. Mesbah, M. Jacquinot, E. Buisson

Operational platform for survey and forecast of local air quality over the Berre’s industrial area: methods, results and perspectives

D. Vlachogiannis, A. Sfetsos, A. papadopoulos, N. Gounaris

The impact of land-use modification scenarios on the air-quality of an urban region during ozone episodes using the MM5-CMAQ modelling system

O. Yossef, L. Kordova

Evaluation of an operational forecasting system for ozone and NO2 over israel

M. Batton-Hubert, L.-E. Porter, H. Vaillant

Multivariate data and geostatistisc analysis of VOC concentration to identify of background noise concentration in order to quantify the safety and environmental risk assessment of composting facility .

C. Puel , L. Donnat, O. Duclaux, F. Brocheton, E. Buisson

Control and decrease of environmental risk for refineries

P. Vervoorn, C. Langezaal

Experiences on the use of air quality models as a policy instrument in the Netherlands

M. Bressan, E. Elvini, F. Liguori, S. Pillon

Making the right choice: trade-offs among operational issues and modelling constraints. A case study for a cement plant located in a complex terrain

C. H.C. Poon, C.-H. Liu, C.Y. Jim

Modeling the Environmental Impacts of Vegetation Canopies with Different Lengths and Leave Area Densities in Urban Scale

H. R. Olesen, M. Winther, J. Christensen, T. Ellermann, M. Plejdrup

Ship contribution to air pollution in Denmark - an assessment utilising AIS data

M. Z. Boznar, P. Mlakar, B. Grasic, G. Tinarelli

Environmental impact assessment of new Thermal Power Plant Šoštanj Block 6 in highly complex terrain

E. Elvini, S. Pillon, F. Liguori, K. Lorenzet, C. Silibello, P. Radice, A. Piersanti

Eulerian modelling application for a highway air quality impact assessment

F. Vendel, G. Lamaison, L. Soulhac, L. Donnat, O. Duclaux, C. Puel

A new operational modelling approach for atmospheric dispersion in industrial complex area

P. Dolwick, L. Audette, K. Davidson, J. Lynch, T. Fox

Modeled estimates of human health and ecological impacts from the establishment of a North American Emissions Control Area (ECA)

G. Candiani, C. Carnevale, G. Finzi, E. Pisoni, M. Volta

Data Assimilation in air quality modelling over Po Valley region

G. Cosemans, P. Berghmans, R. Ampe, F. Fierens, P. Vanderstraeten, J.-P. Janssens, K. Van den Bruel, T. K. Tran

The 2008 elemental mercury vapour pollution accident in the Brussels Capital Region: two approaches towards source identification

G. Pession, T. Magri, G. Tinarelli

Monitoring and modelling activities to evaluate the deposition at ground of pollutants in the vicinity of the Aosta city

A. Pelliccioni, R. Cotroneo, F. Pungi

Optimization of Ozone by Neural Net forecasting using Cluster Analysis

M. Le Guellec, L. Ait Hamou, A. Tripathi

Air quality modeling of road project using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics model

T. Halenka, P. Huszar, M. Belda, E. Katragkou, I. Tegoulias, P. Zanis, D. Melas, B. Krueger

Regional climate change impacts on air quality in high resolution

R. Prandi, S. Di Savino, E. Ferrero, F. Pavone

Monitoring POPs in a complex environment: the role of modelling

G. Cosemans, W. Lefebvre

Dispersion parameters in a wind tunnel and in the field: analysing Thompson’s 1991 wind tunnel data for isolated stacks with IFDM, and its application to building downwash modelling

S. Janssen, W. Lefebvre, F. Fierens

Can particulate matter be used to evaluate traffic related abatement measures? Conclusions of three recent case studies in the"hot spot"Flanders, Belgium.

J. Pospisil, M. Jicha

Experimental and Mathematical Evaluation of Air Threshold Velocity of Pollination for Selected Aeroallergens

C. Borrego, E. Sa, A. Carvalho, S. Souza, A.I. Miranda

Plans and programs to improve air quality over Portugal: a numerical modelling approach

J. Krajcovicová, J. Matejovicová, G. Szabó

PM10 Source Apportionment Based on Routinely Available Data

F. Martin, I. Palomino, M. G. Vivanco

Combination of measured and modelling data in air quality assessment in Spain

O. Sanchez, P. Pernot, F. Dugay

An high resolution modelling system - The A86 West air quality survey system

P. Mlakar, M. Z. Boznar

Air pollution modelling in Slovenia for the requirements of IPPC directive

N. Moussiopoulos, G. Tsegas, I. Douros, E. Chourdakis, S. Kleanthous

An air quality management system for Cyprus: Development and Evaluation

S. M. Taghavi, B. Carissimo, K. Sartelet, K. Muller, I. Korsakissok

Comparative evaluation of an Eulerian CFD and Gaussian plume models for roadside heavy metal deposition

P. Jimenez-Guerrero, S. Jerez, J. J. Gomez-Navarro, R. Lorente, J. A. garcia-Valero, J. P. Montavez

Impacts of climate change on air quality levels in southwestern Europe for the XXI century

G. Cosemans, P. Geuzens, M. Blondeel, K. Mergaert, R. Baert

Dry deposition of dioxins on falling snow

J. Struzewska, J. W. Kaminski

Impact of transboundary transport on surface ozone levels in summer 2006 - application of GEM-AQ model for air quality assessment in Poland

A. Pederzoli, M. Mircea, S. Finardi, G. Zanini, A. di Sarra, T. di Iorio

Identification of saharan dust episodes over italy in 2003-2005

G. J. Georgiev, G. Gadzhev, K. Ganev, M. Prodanova, D. Syrakov, N. Miloshev

Evaluation of the contribution of diferent SNAP categories to the air pollution over the balkan penninsula

K. Léger, S. van den Elshout, A. Ung, L. Malherbe, F. Meleux, C. Songeur, C. Honoré, D. Pernot, a common website and air quality indices to compare cities across Europe

M. Giorcelli, L. Pallavidino, S. Bande, A. Bertello, A. D'Allura, S. Finardi, M. Muraro, F. Pavone, R. Prandi

Public information under the new 50/2008/EC Directive: an example of Air Quality Forecast Index

C. Carnevale, G. Finzi, E. Pisoni, M. Volta, G. Guariso, G. Maffeis, R. Gianfreda, E. Bossi, P. Thunis, G. Triacchini, P. Dilara, L. White

A tool to support emission reduction planning at regional scale

W. Lefebvre, G. Cosemans, K. Van de Vel, S. Janssen, C. Mensink, F. Sleeuwaert, H. Van Rompaey

Simulating building downwash of heavy metals by using virtual sources: methodology and results

M. A. Bull

The performance of dispersion modelling in the UK Review and assessment process for the prediction of nitrogen dioxide.

W. Lefebvre, S. Janssen, J. Vankerkom, F. Deutsch, N. Veldeman, F. Fierens, W. Peelaerts, S. Van Looy, N. Claeys, T. Van Mierlo, F. Lefebre

Making high resolution air quality maps for Flanders, Belgium

D. Carruthers, C. McHugh, M. Williams, K. Johnson, M. Jackson

The performance of ADMS-Urban for modelling long term projections and short term forecasts of urban air quality

A. Nanni, F. Velay-Lasry, E. Eriksson, A. Soudani, S. Abid

Bottom-up road traffic emission calculation for the Tunisian road network

J. Moussafir, C. Olry, P. Castanier, G. Tinarelli, S. Perdriel

Applications of the MSS (MICRO-SWIFT-SPRAY) model to long-term regulatory simulations of the impact of industrial plants

B. Denby

The combined use of models and monitoring for applications related to the European Air Quality Directive: a working sub-group of FAIRMODE

A. Coppalle, P. E. Damay, D. Maro, M. Talbaut, O. Connan, D. Hébert.

Validation of aerosol dry deposition velocity models with new data

P. Bedwell, J. Wellings, S. M. Haywood, M. C. Hort

Cloud gamma modelling in the UK Meteorological Office's NAME III Model

C. Duchenne, P. Armand, H. Dupont

Development of a 3D modelling suite from the global scale to the urban scale using MM5 and Micro-SWIFT-SPRAY. Application to the dispersion of a toxic release in New York City.

P. Armand, C. Olry, J. Moussafir, A. Albergel, O. Oldrini

Recent physical modelling developments in a Lagrangian modelling system for emergency response purposes

F.-X. Cierco, L. Soulhac, P. Méjean, G. Lamaison, P. Salizzoni, P. Armand

Validation of the SIRANERISK model against a wind tunnel experiment of dispersion of a short release in an idealized urban street network

K. Baumann-Stanzer, S. Stenzel, K. Ambrosch, C. Reumann, M. Naderhirn, M. Clabian, P. Ortner, T. Passenbrunner, H. Haller, C. Puchner

Detection of hazardous gas dispersion based on sensor equipped micro-aerial vehicles and emergency response modeling

M. D. Sohn, J. Goforth, J. D. Peterson

Predicting Pollutant Dispersion and Exposure in Mixed Outdoor-Indoor- Vehicle Environments

J.-M. Lacome, C. Proust

Analysis of the dispersion of large unconfined clouds following a massive spillage of liquid hydrogen on the ground

K. Baumann-Stanzer, S. Stenzel

Dispersion modeling of accidental toxic gas releases - sensitivity studies and optimization of the meteorological input

I. Sykes

SCIPUFF Capabilities and Application in Hazard Assessment

I. Sykes, D. Henn, B. Chowdhury

A Generalized Model for Liquid Droplet Evaporation and its Application to the Release of Pressurized Chlorine

S. Stenzel, K. Baumann-Stanzer

Dispersion modeling of accidental toxic gas releases- a model comparison study.

E. Syrakov, M. Tsankov, E. Cholakov

Relationships and co-ordination between basic BL and PBL turbulent and stability parameters used in pollution tasks

G. Leventakis, V Gkrizis, A. Sfetsos, D. Missia

The application of a multi-zone model in the scenario development of CB incidents in assets of transportation networks

A. Todorova, K. Ganev, D. Syrakov, M. Prodanova, G. Georgiev, N. Miloshev, G. Gadjhev

Bulgarian emergency responce system for release of hazardous pollutants - Design and first tests of the preparedness mode.

S. Trini Castelli, L. Mortarini, G. Tinarelli, D. Anfossi

Development and application of the microscale Lagrangian particle dispersion model MicroSpray for the simulation of hydrogen accidental releases

A. Robins, the DAPPLE Consortium

The DAPPLE tracer experiments - lessons from case by case analyses

K.-J. Hsieh, H. Ji, F.-S. Lien, E. Yee

Development of a Fast Physically-Based Urban Wind Flow and Dispersion Model for Emergency Response Applications

L. Corbet

Local-scale dispersion modelling for emergency response in the Czech Republic

I.V. Kovalets, V.Y. Korolevich, A.S. Khalchenkov, E.A. Ievdin, M. Zheleznyak

Model Intercomparison Of JRODOS Atmospheric Dispersion Module and Canadian Atmospheric Dispersion And Dose Assessment Method

E. Syrakov, K. Ganev, M. Tsankov

Inversion effects at forming of the critical pollution conditions in PBL ?

I. Griffiths, M. Bull, I. Bush, L. Carrivick, R. Jones, M. Burns

Investigating the Benefits of Information Management Systems for Hazard Management

J. Copeland

Shield - A system for urban emergency response modeling

D. Quélo, J. Groëll , M. Tombette

Long-range transport model qualification for hazardous release

N. Platt, L. Jones

Potential Use of Transport and Dispersion Model Output to Supplement ATP-45 Hazard Prediction Templates

P. Achim, H. Dupont, A. Leroy, P. Armand

An operational meteorological forecast system at mesoscale for radiological and chemical impact assessment

M. F. Yassin

Impact of Flow Obstacles on pollutant

A. Balanzino, G. Pirovano, E. Ferrero, M. Causà, G.M. Riva

Particulate matter pollution simulations in complex terrain: a sensitivity analysis.

M. Udina, M.R. Soler, R. Arasa

Effects of nocturnal thermal circulation and boundary layer structure on pollutant dispersion in complex terrain areas

S. Andreani-Aksoyoglu, J. Keller, D. Oderbolz, I. Barmpadimos, A.S.H. Prevot, U. Baltensperger

Sensitivity of ozone and secondary aerosol formation to emissions in Switzerland

R. Arasa, M.R. Soler, M. Olid

Numerical experiments on the sensitivity of MM5/WRF-CMAQ simulations of 2009 summer high ozone episode in north-eastern Spain to PBL schemes

G. Jordanov, I. Etropolska, D. Syrakov, K. Ganev, M. Prodanova, N. Miloshev, K. Slavov

A System for information and forecast of air quality in Bulgaria

D. C. Oderbolz, S. Andreani-Aksoyolu, J. Keller, C. Häni, I. Barmpadimos, A.S.H. Prevot

Sensitivity of modelled secondary organic aerosols (SOA) to biogenic VOC (BVOC) emissions in Switzerland

M. Hasel, W.-J. Kost, J. Nielinger

Atmospheric dispersion modelling in complex terrain - prognostic wind field libraries

H. Shimadera, A. Kondo, A. Kaga, K. Lal Shrestha, Y. Inoue

Estimate of acid deposition through fog using numerical models in the Kinki Region of Japan

E. Syrakov, M. Tsankov, K. Ganev, E. Cholakov

On the problem of heavy pollution episodes in shallow long-lived PBL

Q.J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, the MEGAPOLI team

Modelling of Organic Aerosol with the Volatility-Basis-Set approach during the MEGAPOLI Summer Campaign

M. M. Smirnova, V. P. Yushkov, K. G. Rubinstein

Estimations of regional model simulations of atmospheric boundary layer vertical structure

M. Beekmann, U. Baltensperger, A. Borbon, J. Sciare, V. Gros, A. Baklanov, M. Lawrence, S. Pandis, the MEGAPOLI Paris- campaign team

The MEGAPOLI Paris campaign for urban aerosol characterisation - a comprehensive data set for air quality model evaluation

L. Vitali, S. Finardi, G. Pace, A. Piersanti,  G. Zanini

Validation of simulated atmospheric fields for air quality modeling purposes in Italy.

A.V. Starchenko, A.A. Bart, D.A. Belikov, E.A. Danilkin, E. Krajny

Numerical simulation of mesoscale meteorology and air quality near urban territory

L. Osrodka, M. Wojtylak

Application of fuzzy sets to forecast air quality index AQI in the southern Poland

E. Real, K. Sartelet

Impact of particles on photolysis rates and air quality.

C. Mangia, M. Cervino

Modeling dry and wet deposition of PCDD/F releases from different industrial plants over the Salento Penisnula, Southern Italy

L. Silva de Souza, L. Landau, L. C. Gomes Pimentel

Air Quality Photochemical Study over the Amazonia Area

P. Huszar, M. Belda, T. Halenka, J. Miksovsky

Offline and online coupling of regional climate model with chemistry transport model

R. Žabkar,M. Ivancic, J. Rakovec, M. Rus

Comparison of different dispersion modeling approaches in complex terrain

M. Deserti, E. Minguzzi, G. Finzi, I. Barmpadimos, J. Keller, R. San Jose, G.Geertsema

Wind verification in Po Valley

S. Zaniboni, E. Minguzzi, M. Deserti, G. Bonafe, M. Stortini

High resolution analysis of wind and turbulence in complex terrain

D. Rife, J. Pinto, A. Monaghan, C. Davis, J. Hannan

Corridors of enhanced transport and dispersion: Global distribution and characteristics

F. Vandenberghe, J. Copeland, T. Warner, R. Babarsky

Smart climatologies for preparation and planning of hazardous release events

K. Zemankova, H. Skachova

Use of the CALMET Model for Preparation of Wind Roses for the Regulatory Modelling Purposes

A. Jericevic, H. Fagerli, B. Grisogono

Exploring the properties of local and non-local vertical diffusion schemes using the 222Rn data

E. Batchvarova, E. Pisoni, G. Finzi, S.-E. Gryning

Evaluation of RAMS6.0 boundary-layer simulation over Sofia (Bulgaria) on vertical profiles of the ABL

A. H. Al-Mulla, A. F. M. Ahmed, D. Lecoeur, J. Moussafir, C. Dérognat

Qatar Photochemical Modelling platform: A new tool to optimize air pollution control for the Oil and Gas industries

P. Kumar, A. Robins

Modelling the dispersion of nanoparticles in street canyons

R. Briant, I. Kosakissok, C. Seigneur

A new line source model for air quality impacts of roadway traffic

Y.Qu, M.Milliez, L. Musson-Genon, B.Carissimo

Micrometeorological modeling of radiative and convective effects with a building resolving code

M.K. Chatterjee, J.K.Divkar, S.S. Patil, J. Romal, R. Singh, K.S. Pradeepkumar, D.N.Sharma

An Examination of Plume Dose in Crosswind Direction by Using Gaussian Plume Model for Rough Terrain

T.N.H. Chung, C.-H. Liu

Pollutant Transfer Coefficient in Street Canyons of Different Aspect Ratios

M. Mache, I. Calmet, J.-F. Sini

Analysis of the dynamical interactions between atmosphere and urban canopies of different densities using a drag force approach

A. Armengaud, F. Pradelle, G. Luneau, C. Pesin, M. N. Roland, J. Virga, B. Rocher

Four urban plateforms dedicated to air quality survey in PACA region

T. K. O. Nguyen, Ketsiri Leelasakultum

Prediction of haze episode potential for mountain-valley urban area

J. O. P. Cheung, C.-H. Liu, M. C.H. Yam

Impact of building separation on natural ventilation and pollutant transport for low-rise structures

P. Shui, C.-H. Liu, Y. Li

Upward and Sideward Removal of Air Pollutants in Three-Dimensional Street Canyons

L. E. Venegas, N. A. Mazzeo

Traffic pollution modelling in a complex urban street

N. A. Mazzeo, L. E. Venegas

Hourly NOx concentrations and wind direction in the vicinity of a street intersection

C. Gromke, B. Ruck

The role of vegetation in traffic emission dispersion and air quality in urban street canyons

B. De Maershcalck, S. Janssen, C. Mensink

Direct implementation of non-linear chemical reaction terms for ozone

A. Jirk, J. Brechler

3D Stratified Atmospheric Flow Modeling

K. E. Kakosimos, M. J. Assael, M. Ketzel, H. R. Olesen, R. Berkowicz

Smoke Dispersion from Low Stacks on Pitched-Roff Buildings: Model Calculations with WinMISKAM in Comparison with Wind Tunnel Results

A. Kondo, A. Kaga, K. Umemoto, Y. Inoue

Screening technique for specifying roads with high concentrations by using regression equations

I. Düring, W. Bächlin, M. Ketzel, A. Baum, S. Wurzler

Update of the Romberg-Approach and simplified NO / NO2 Conversion Model under Consideration of direct NO2-Emissions

R. San Jose, J.L. Perez, J.L. Morant, R.M. Gonzalez

Urban metabolism: microscale energy simulations in different european cities by using WRF-UCM and EULAG models

N. Koutsourakis, A. G. Venetsanos, J. G. Bartzis, I. C. Tolias

Presentation of new LES capability of ADREA-HF CFD code

T. Michioka, A. Sato, H. Takimoto, M. Kanda

Mechanisms of gas removal from a two-dimensional canyon using large-eddy simulations

B. Maiheu, B. de Maerschalck, J. Vankerkom, S. Janssen

Local air quality in an idealized urban environment using ENVI-met, derivation of guidelines for urban planning in Flanders.

J. Franke

Numerical uncertainties in the computation of the flow in 2D street canyons

L. Kukacka, K. Jurcáková, R. Kellnerová, Z. Janour

Estimation of scalar fluxes within modelled intersection depending on the approach flow direction

G. Geertsema, H. Toros, G. Cats, S. Incecik

First steps toward an air quality forecast in the Istanbul area using Harmonie

F. Pradelle, A. Armengaud, C. Pesin, M. N. Rolland, J. Virga, G. Luneau, C. Schillinger, D. Poulet

URBAN AIR System: an operational modelling system for survey and forecasting air Quality at Urban scale

S. M. Taghavi, B. Carissimo, F. Gourdol, P. Mejean, L. Soulhac, C. Bernagaud, J.F. Burkhart

A comparison of wind tunnel measurements and CFD model simulations for pollutant dispersion from a tunnel portal for different wind directions

F. Vendel, G. Lamaison, L. Soulhac, P. Volta, L. Donnat, O. Duclaux, C. Puel

Modeling diabatic atmospheric boundary layer using a RANS CFD code with k- epsilon or Reynolds-stress turbulence closure

S. Andronopoulos, I. Mavroidis, A. Venetsanos, J.G. Bartzis

CFD simulations of dispersion around obstacles of different shapes

V. Fuka, J. Brechler

Dispersion of radioactive aerosol past obstacles

R. Steib, K. Labancz, Z. Ferenczi

Air quality forecast in urban environment: CHIMERE model experiments for Budapest

A. Pascau, N. Garcia

Influence of turbulence models on the transient flow in street canyons

A. Cantelli, F. Failla, P. Monti, G. Leuzzi

Sensitivity of an urban sub-grid scheme to the canyons orientations over a wide metropolitan area

G. Leuzzi, M. Balczó, A. Amicarelli, P. Monti, J. Eichhorn, D. J. Thomson

Street canyon concentration estimation coupling the RANS model MISKAM and the micromixing Lagrangian model LAGFLUM.

W.C. Cheng, C.-H. Liu, D. Y.C. Leung

On the Wind Statistics and Pollutant Re-entrainment in Street Canyons by Large-Eddy Simulation

A. Pelliccioni, C. Gariazzo, P. Monti, G. Leuzzi

A novel wind profile formulation for neutral conditions in urban case

C. Souprayen, A. Tripathi, G. Vaton, P. Rousseau, I. Drouadaine, M. Maze

Microscale CFD model for atmospheric flows and performance analysis of air treatment with roads and wall surface coating.

O. Coceal, S. Branford, E. V. Goulart, T. G. Thomas, S. E. Belcher

Using direct numerical simulations to develop and validate a simplified street network dispersion model

R. Kellnerova, L. Kukacka, Z. Janour

Comparison between flow dynamics inside street canyon with two geometries of roof shape.

D. Oettl, M. Kuntner

The Austrian Guideline For Short Scale Dispersion Modeling

P. Franzese, P. Huq, U. Panizza

A Gaussian model for urban daytime and nighttime dispersion.

M. Nogalski, J. Werhahn ,U. Uhrner

Traffic emission and micro scale dispersion modeling in Santiago de Chile

Z. Luo, Y. Li

Effect of Deforestation on Dispersion in Street Canyons by Katabatic Wind

Q. Dai

A review on technology development in urban climatology and the application of a new enhanced urban climate model in Hong Kong

C. Olry, J. Moussafir, P. Castanier, G. Tinarelli, O. Fourcault, A. Plassais

Applications of the MSS model (MICRO-SWIFT SPRAY) to photocatalytic coating simulations

B. De Maerschalck, B. Maiheu, S. Janssen, J. Vankerkom

CFD-modeling of complex plant-atmosphere interactions: Direct and indirect effects on local turbulence

J. Garcia, R. Cerdeira, L. M. R. Coelho

Simulation of street canyon effect in a street of Barreiro city in Portugal

A. S. Tomlin, J. Millward-Hopkins, A. Balogun, J. Tate, J. Barlow, C. Wood, A. Robins

Complex Air Flows around Urban Intersections: Challenges for Modellers

A. S. Tomlin, T. Ziehn, P. Goodman, J. Tate, N. Dixon

A global sensitivity study of predicted NO2 concentrations in an urban street canyon

R. Buccolieri, S. M. Salim, S. Di Sabatino, A. Chan, P. Ielpo, G. de Gennaro, C. M. Placentino, M. Caselli, C. Gromke

Study of tree-atmosphere interaction and assessment of air quality in real city neighbourhoods

R. Buccolieri, F. Sartoretto, A. Giacometti, S. Di Sabatino, L. S. Leo, B. Pulvirenti, M. Sandberg, H. Wigö

Flow and pollutant dispersion within the Canal Grande channel in Venice (Italy) via CFD techniques

E. Ferrero, L. Mortarini, S. Alessandrini, C. Lacagnina

A fluctuating plume model for pollutants dispersion with chemical reactions

S. Pandey, S. N. Khanal, D. Giri, A. Singh

The influence of meterological parameters and PM10 concentrations on visibility of kathmandu valley

A. K. Luhar

Horizontal Turbulence and Dispersion in Low Wind Stable Conditions

F. Pradelle, F. Tognet, E. Senante, N. Ribeiro, K. Adam, A. Ackerman, E. Duthier, D. Poulet

AROME Project: Odour dispersion modelling, from sources characterisation to environment impact

H. E. Smethurst, C. Witham, A. G. Robins, V. S. G. Murray

An example of long-range odour transport

A. Amilcarelli, P. Salizzoni, P.Monti, G. Leuzzi, L. Soulhac, F.X. Cierco

Modelling concentration fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer: sensitivity of a Lagrangian model to dissipation rate estimates

C. Ribeiro, H. Varela, M. Coutinho, C. Borrego

Dispersion modeling and field inspections approach to evaluate the odor impact of a composting plant in Lisbon

A. Rudd, S. Belcher, A. Robins

An inverse modelling technique for emergency response application

J. G. Bartzis, G. C. Efthimiou

Maximum individual exposure estimation using CFD RANS modelling

G. Brown, P. Robins

Source-term estimation for rapid hazard assessment

V. Tsiouri, I.V. Kovalets, S. Andronopoulos., J.G. Bartzis

Assimilation of gamma dose rate and concentration measurements in Lagrangian model DIPCOT

P. E. Bieringer, I. Sykes, F. Vandenberghe, J. Hurst, J. Weil, G. Bieberbach, S. Parker, R. Cabell

Automated Source Parameter Estimation For Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Applications

G. Kanevce, I. Andreevski, L. Kanevce

LEVERBERG-MARQUARD method for inverse estimations in dispersion modeling

S. Herring, P. Robins

The importance of concentration fluctuations on hazard assessment and source term estimation

A. Malby, D. Whyatt, R. Timmis

Combining Modelling and Monitoring to Estimate Fugitive Releases from a Heavily-industrialised Site

S. van den Elshout, C. De Gier

Verifying shipping emissions by comparing modelled and measured sulphur dioxide concentrations in the port of rotterdam area

O. Saunier, M. Bocquet, A. Mathieu, O. Isnard

Model reduction via principal component truncation for the optimal design of atmospheric monitoring networks

E. Tagaris, A. Sfetsos, D. Vlachogiannis, S. Andronopoulos, R. Sotiropoulou, N. Gounaris

Sensitivity of ozone and particulate matter concentrations in Greater Athens Area, Greece

A.V.Starchenko, E.A.Panasenko

Numerical identification of urban regions with high pollution emission on the basis of air quality observations

M. Alarcon, J. Belmonte, S. Ortega

Application of numerical simulation to the study of atmospheric allergenic pollen in Catalonia (NE Spain)

J.-M. Libre, M. Le Guellec, A. Tripathi, T. Mailliard, S. Guérin, C. Souprayen, A. Castellari

Source determination in congested environment through Bayesian Inference

E. Yee

Validation of a Bayesian Probabilistic Inferential Framework for Multiple Source Reconstruction Using FFT-07 Data

J.-P. Issartel, T. Gamel

Air quality monitoring at a chemical facility

V. Winiarek, J. Vira, M. Bocquet, M. Sofiev, O. Saunier

Towards the operational application of inverse modelling for the source identification and plume forecast of an accidental release of radionuclides.

I. Ho Tin Noe, F. Sino, C. Bara, Y. Urvoy, C. Haaser, A. Tripathi, L. Ait Hamou, T. Maillard

Real-time management of odour on a water treatment plant using a 3D simulation tool coupled to on-site sensors

M. Krysta, A. Becker, N. Brachet

Enhanced inverse dispersion modeling by collocation with waveform events: an analysis of the National Data Centre Preparedness Exercise 2009

A. Igor, K. Gligor, M. Aleksandar

Dispersion models result's improvements using inverse approach

N. Platt, D. Deriggi

Comparative Investigation of Source Term Estimation Algorithms Using FUSION Field Trial 2007 Data

A. Kobe

Facilitating responsible use of the modelling in implementation of EU air quality directives - An EU perspective

T. Fox

US EPA Perspectives on Regulatory Modeling: Current Practice and Future Directions

A. Venkatram, W. Qian

Past and future of understanding air pollution through modeling

H. R. Olesen

Welcome and Harmonisation initiative introduction

E. Fragkou, I. Douros, N. Moussiopoulos

The use of models for source apportionment and for assessing the contribution of natural sources in response to the Air Quality Directive

P. Thunis, E. Georgieva, P. Dilara

Tools for benchmarking of Air Quality Models

B. Denby, W. Spangl

Guidance on the use of models for the European Air Quality Directive: an activity of FAIRMODE

R. Borge, J. Lumbreras, P. Dilara, L. Tarrason

Urban emissions and projections

S.-E. Gryning, J. H. Soerensen, O. Hertel, T. Mikkelsen, E. Batchvarova


Ph. Labazuy, M. Gouhier, Y. Guéhenneux, A. Harris, M. Hervo, P. Fréville, J.-C. Bergès, Ph. Cacault

Near real-time monitoring of the Arpil-May 2010 Eyjafjöll ash cloud

J.-C. Bergès, Ph. Labazuy, M. Chouhier, Y. Guéhenneux, Ph. Cacault

Main issues in using Meteosat system date for the monitoring of volcanic ash cloud

P. Royer, P. Chazette, A. Dabas, M. Bocquet, K. Sartelet, V. Winiarek, M. Lardier, L. Sauvage

UV-Lidar : a powerful tool for Eyjafjöll ashoperational survey from ground-based and airborne measurements

A. Colette, N. Alsac, B. Bessagnet, H. Biaudet, L. Chiappini, O. Favez, E. Frejafon, F. Gautier, F. Godefroy, M. Haeffelin, E. Leoz, L. Malherbe, F. Meleux, L. Menut, Y. Morille, A. Papin, C. Pietras, M. Ramel, B. Romand, L. Rouil

Impact of the Eyjafjallajökull’seruption on surface air quality in France