General info
The 11th conference on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" was held in Cambridge, UK, in July 2007The local organizers of the conference maintain the conference web site HERE
David Carruthers, Christine McHugh, Patricia Gilmour, Helen Higson, Rex Britter, Julian Hunt, David Thomson
Steering Committee
J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, D. Carruthers, A. Coppalle, C. Cuvelier, A. Graff, G. Kanevce, J. Kretzschmar, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, A. Skouloudis, G. Zanini
Scientific Committee
D. Anfossi, J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, R.E. Britter, B. Carissimo, D. Carruthers, C. Cuvelier, A. Graff, S.-E. Gryning, G. Kallos, J.C.R. Hunt, P. Kassomenos, J. Kretzschmar, P. Mestayer, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, A. Robins, M. Schatzmann, P. Suppan, D. Syrakov, D. J. Thomson, G. Zanini, I. Ziomas
The following topics were covered during the conference:- H11-1 - Model evaluation and quality assurance
- H11-2 - Air pollution management: decision support systems
- H11-3 - Regulatory models: country review
- H11-4 - Experiences using models when implementing national or international directives
- H11-5 - Short distance dispersion modelling
- H11-6 - Meso-scale meteorology and air quality modelling
- H11-7 - Urban scale and street canyon modelling: meteorology and air quality
- H11-8 - Concentration fluctuations and odour
- H11-9 - Airports
- H11-10 - COST 732
- H11-11 - General (incl. opening session)
Proceedings and presentations
Extended Abstract
Poster or Presentation
Poster or Presentation
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