General info

The 8th conference on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in October 2002

Ekaterina Batchvarova, Dimiter Syrakov

Steering Committee

J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, D. Carruthers, A. Coppalle, C. Cuvelier, H. Eleveld, A. Graff, G. Kanevce, J. Kretzschmar, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, A. Skouloudis, G. Zanini

Scientific Committee

R. Almbauer, D. Anfossi, J.G. Bartzis, E. Batchvarova, L. Bozó, R.E. Britter, P. Builtjes, B. Carissimo, D. Carruthers, C. Cuvelier, H. Eleveld, E. Genikhovich, A. Graff, S.-E. Gryning, G. Kanevce, J. Kretzschmar, P. Mestayer, N. Moussiopoulos, H.R. Olesen, M. Schatzmann, D. Syrakov, P. Suppan, G. Zanini


The following topics were covered during the conference:
  • H8-1 - Validation and Intercomparison of Models, Model Evaluation Methodology
  • H8-2 - Regulatory models: country review
  • H8-3 - Short distance dispersion modelling, meteorological pre-processing
  • H8-4 - Urban scale and street canyon modelling, meteorology and air quality
  • H8-5 - Mesoscale meteorology and air quality modelling
  • H8-6 - Environmental impact assessment: air pollution management and decision support systems. Transfer of EU environmental legislation to the candidate countries

Full length papers

IJEP Volume 20, No. 1-6 (2003)

Proceedings and presentations

Extended Abstract
Poster or Presentation
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Brook, D. R., N.V. Beck, C. M. Clem, D. C. Strickland, I.H.Griffiths, D. J. Hall, R. D. Kingdon, J. M. Hargrave

Validation of the Urban Dispersion Model (UDM)

Caputo, M., M. Gimenez, M. Schlamp

Atmospheric dispersion models intercomparison under two atmospheric stability conditions

Davakis, E., S. Andronopoulos, J.G. Bartzis, S. Nychas

Validation of the lagrangian model DIPCOT for mesoscale and long-range atmospheric dispersion over complex terrain

Decanini, E., M. Volta

A flexible model system for air pollution simulation and control in Northern Italy

Eleveld, H.

Improvement of dispersion models by using RIVM's model validation tool

Gabusi, V., C. Pertot, G. Finzi

Performance assessment of long-term photochemical modelling system

Genikhovich, E.

Indicators of performance of dispersion models and their reference values

Hill, R. A., I. Lowles, V. Auld, T. G. Parker

Probabilistic evaluation of models for the atmospheric dispersion of effluents released from a complex site

Irwin, J.S., D. Carruthers, J. Paumier

Application of ASTM D6589 to evaluate dispersion model performance to simulate average centerline concentration values

Kok, Y.S., H. Eleveld, H. Schnadt, J. Gregor, H. Böttger, C. Salfeld

Model comparison at the parameter level within the Dutch-German Commission for nuclear facilities in the border region

Kukkonen, J., A. Karppinen, L. Wallenius, J. Ruuskanen, T. Patama, M. Kolehmainen, S. Dorling, R. Foxall, G. Cawley, D. Mandic, T. Chatterton, M. Zickus, A. Greig

Evaluation of neural network, statistical and deterministic models against the measured concentrations of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 in an urban area

Lauritzen, B., H.K.Aage, P. Astrup,K. Bargholz, M. Drews, H. Joergensen, U. Corsbech, T. Mikkelsen, C. Rojas-Palma, S. Thykier-Nielsen, R. Van Ammel

Atmospheric dispersion of radioactive releases from a research reactor: measurement and modelling of plume geometry and gamma radiation field

Lohmeyer, A., U. Lambrecht, Z. Peranic, R. Boesinger

Validation of Vehicle Road PM10 Emission Models by the Karlsruhe PM validation data set and the results of the regular German State monitoring stations

Luhar, A. K., P. J. Hurley

Comparison of meteorological and dispersion predictions obtained using TAPM with the Kincaid (rural), Indianapolis (urban) and Kwinana (coastal) field data sets

Ma, J., S. M Dagguapty

A numerical investigation of impact of near-source, local source and reemission on the budget of gamma-hexachlorcyclohexane over Great Lakes and St. Lawrence ecosystem

Moussiopoulos, N., I. Douros, P. Louka, C. Simonidis, A. Arvanitis

Evaluation of MEMO using the ESCOMPTE pre-campaign dataset

Saltbones, J., A. Foss, J. Bartnicki

Inter-comparison of real-time dispersion model results, supporting decision-making in case of nuclear accidents and focusing on quantification of uncertainty

Scire, J., F. Robe

Evaluating performance of meteorological models in regulatory application studies

Thykier-Nielsen, S., V. Coelho Olsen

Øresund revisited by RIMPUFF

Wagner, S., A. Clappier, K. Cuvelier, Phillipe Thunis

On a two-way nesting method for air pollution modelling. Aplication to the ESCOMPTE area

Webster, H. N., D. J. Thomson, A. L. Redington, D. B. Ryall

Validation of a Lagrangian model plume rise scheme against the Kincaid data set

Zanini, G., R. Bellasio, R. Bianconi, L. Delle Monache, M. Kolarova, R. Lorenzini, S. Mosca, F. Monforti, S. Peverieri, L. Vitali

PLPM (Photochemical Lagrangian Particle model): formulation and preliminary validation

Chang, J. C.

Implementation of ASTM D6589 procedures in the new BOOT model evaluation software

Corti, A., D. Contini, E. Canepa

Wind tunnel measurements of dispersion above complex terrain and a first model validation exercise

Leitl, B., M. Schatzmann, H. Thielen, R. Martens

Validation data sets for pollutant dispersion from ground-level sources

Pereira, M. M. R., A. P. Oliveira

Investigation of radionuclides dispersion using a Lagrangian particle model

Suppan, P., A. N. Skouloudis

Inter-comparison of two air quality modelling systems for a case study in Berlin

Atanassov, D. G.

Validation of the Eulerian Pollutant Transport Model PolTran on the Kincaid data set

Atanassov, D. G., T. Spassova

Testing of numerical advection schemes and splitting techniques used in pollution dispersion modeling on an analytic solution

Kaasik, M., V. Kimmel

Validation of the improved AEROPOL model against the Copenhagen data set

Maro, D., P. Germain, D. Hebert, L. Solier, M. Rozet, G. Leclerc, S. Le Cavelier

Krypton 85 : a tool for investigating near field atmospheric dispersion for elevated emissions around La Hague spent fuel nuclear reprocessing plant

Mangia, C., I. Schipa, A. Tanzarella, D.M. Moreira, T. Tirabassi, G.A. Degrazia , U. Rizza

Dispersion parameters derived from turbulent Eulerian spectra: evaluation in different atmospheric conditions

Markoski, A., G. Kanevce, Lj. Kanevce, G. Trombev

Evaluation Of MADAM Model using Kincaid data set

Marques Filho, E. P., A. P. de Oliveira

Numerical simulation of a passive pollutant in a highly convective boundary layer using large eddy simulation model

Bijwaard, H., H. Eleveld

Comparison of atmospheric dispersion modelling according to old and new regulations in the Netherlands

Graff, A.

The new German Regulatory model - A Lagrangian particle dispersion model

Kadikis, N., T. Vasiljeva, L. Jevtushenko, I. Lyulko, E. Smalins

Air quality modelling as a part of complex air management system in Latvia

Schulze, R. H., W. Dai,, C. M. Otto

Managing air quality during regulatory changes

Verhoef, N. B.

Assessment of airborne radioactive routine releases in the Netherlands

Walsh, C., J.A Jones

Atmospheric dispersion in the vicinity of buildings - application of ADMS 3.1 and a simple R-91 type model

Gaboriaud, L., A. Fresneau, E. M. Eriksson, S. Verley

Evaluation of human health risk within regulatory purposes

Gromkova, N., K.Ganev, D.Yordanov, E.Georgieva, R.Dimitrova, N. Miloshev

Dispersion regulatory model for designing new industrial stacks - software PLUME

Aubrun, S., B. Leitl, M. Schatzmann

Validation data for odour dispersion models

Cocci Grifoni, R., F. Bisegna, G.Passerini

A refinement of AERMOD results by means of mesoscale model simulation

Ferenczi, Z.

Investigation of meso-scale transport processes by means of a puff model

Gryning, S.-E. , E. Batchvarova

Marine Boundary-layer height estimated from NWP model output

Maro, D., M. Bouzom, F. Bompay, C. Lac, D. Herbert

Comparison of Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion models (DIFPAR, SPRAY) with krypton 85 measurements taken around La Hague spent fuel reprocessing plant

Pelliccioni, A., T. Tirabassi, C. Gariazzo

Coupling of neural network and dispersion models: a novel methodology for air pollution models

Sato, A., K. Sada

Estimation of gas concentration fluctuations using a numerical model and comparison with those of wind tunnel experiments

Yordanov, D., D. Syrakov, M. Kolarova

Parameterization of convective PBL using surface data for the wind and stability classes

Middleton, D. R., N. L. Morrison (nee Ellis), G. G. Rooney, D. J. Thomson

A comparison of dispersion model met pre-processing with urban flux measurements from Birmingham U.K.

Wallenfang, O., B. Dieckmann, P.Boeker, P. Shulze Lammers

Time dependent short distance dispersion modelling and the validationof the model

Duran, J., M. Fulop

Assessment of radiological impact of vent release of the Cyclotron Center in Bratislava

Syrakov, E., K. Ganev

Accounting for the effects of wind rotation in the PBL on the plume characteristics

Pelliccioni, A., C. Gariazzo, S. Argentini, A. Viola

Use of neural network to model the PBL temperature profiles

Bezpalcova, K., Z. Janour, V. M. M. S. Prior, C. Soriano, M. Strizik

On wind velocity profiles over urban areas

Borrego, C., A. I. Miranda, A. M. Costa, O. Tchepel, J. H. Amorim, H. Martins

Air quality modelling in European cities: a local scale perspective

Carruthers, D. J., J. W. Blair, K. L. Johnson

Dispersion of air pollution in urban areas in the UK

Cenedese, A., G. Serafini

Urban scale modeling: investigation of a methodology in studying atmospheric flows in urban areas

Coppalle, A., M. Talbaut, F. Corbin

Determination of wind speed profile parameters in the surface layer using a mini-sodar

Duering, I., E. Schulze, J. Jacob , W. Reichenbaecher, A. Lohmeyer

Estimation of the"non exhaust pipe"PM10 emissions of streets for practical traffic air pollution modelling

Hanna, S., R. Britter, P. Franzese

Simple screening models for urban dispersion

Moussiopoulos, N., K. Karatzas, L. Kolognomou

An environmentally viable electronic city application (ENV-e-CITY) towards harmonization in the use of environmental information

Kukkonen, J., A. Karppinen, J. Nikmo, N. Moussiopoulos, P. Louka, S. Larssen, T. Bøhler, A. Lohmeyer

Survey of meteorological data for environmental impact assessments in the ENV-e-CITY project

Kukkonen, J., M. Pohjola, M. Rantamaki, A. Karppinen

Evaluation of a severe air pollution episode in Helsinki, 27 - 29 December, 1995

J. Kukkonen, J., A. Karppinen, J. Harkonen, P. Aarnio, T. Koskentalo, P. Tiitta, T. Raunemaa

A model for evaluating the concentrations of PM2.5 in urban areas

Mensink, C., A. Colles, L. Janssen, J. Cornelis

Environmental impact assessment of air quality in street canyons related to Council directives 1999/30/EC and 2000/69/EC.

Mestayer, P. G., G. Vachon, J.-M. Rosant

The Nantes '99 data base for model validation of air quality in streets

Moussiopoulos, N.

The contribution of SATURN to a better understanding of urban air pollution

Pascheke, F., B. Leitl, M. Schatzmann

Comparison of boundary layer properties from field and wind tunnel measurements

Pascheke, F., B. Leitl, M. Schatzmann

High resolution validation data for urban type dispersion modelling

Trini Castelli, S., E. Ferrero, D.Anfossi

Turbulence statistics estimation and dispersion simulation scenarios in urban environment

Venkatram, A., J. Upadhyay, J. Yuan, J. Heumann, J. Klewicki

The development and evaluation of a dispersion model for urban areas

Chun-Ho Liu, M.C. Barth, D.Y. C. Leung

Analysis of flow and scalar transport in a modelled street Canyon by large-eddy simulation

Müller, W. J., B. Heits, M. Schatzmann

A prototype station for the collection of urban meteorological data

Soulhac, L., B. Carissimo, P. Mejean, R.J. Perkins, R. Van Liefferinge

A theoretical and experimental study of turbulent flow in the urban canopy

Leuzzi, G.

A Sensitivity analysis of ADMS-Urban

Lukanin, V. N., Y. K. Belyaev, A. P. Buslaev, O. V. Selesnev, A. G. Tatashev, M.V. Yashina

Traffic Flows.Modelling, control and evaluation of influence on the environment

Venegas, L. E., N. A. Mazzeo

A method for selection of background air quality monitoring sites in an urban area

Chtcherbakov, A., M. Pagowski, J. Sloan, S. Soldatenko, X. Lin, R. Bloxam, S. Wong, P.K. Misra

Models-3/CMAQ evaluation during high particulate episodes over Eastern North America in summer 1995 and winter 1998

Decanini, E., M. Pola, F. Polla Mattiot, M. Volta

Application of REMSAD and GAMES modelling systems on a particulate matter and ozone episode in Milan metropolitan area

Mohan, M., T. A. Siddiqui

Development of an atmospheric dispersion model for air quality assessment

Page, T., D. Whyatt, S. Metcalfe, J. Nicholson, J. Hall

Quantifying uncertainties in sulphur and oxidised N deposition to Wales (UK) modelling using HARM

San Jose, R., J.L. Perez, R.M. Gonzalez

Air quality modelling as a tool to evaluate the air quality industrial plant impact

Slini, T., K. Karatzas, N. Moussiopoulos

Correlation of air pollution and meteorological data using neural networks

Soriano, C., R. M. Soler, D. Pino, M. Alarcon, B. Physick, P. Hurley

Modeling different meteorological situations in Catalunya, Spain, with MM5 and TAPM mesoscale models

Robe, F. R., Z. Wu, J. S. Scire

Real-time SO2 forecasting system with combined ETA analysis and CALPUFF modeling

Anteplioglu, U., S. Topcu, S. Incecik

Meteorological and photochemical modeling of ozone high days in Istanbul

Kitwiroon, N., E. Fragkou, R. S. Sokhi, D. Middleton

Application of MM5 and UAM-V to model the air pollution in London using an improved treatment of surface roughness

Mikelinskiene, A., A. Milukaite

Application of air mass trajectories for identification of air pollution sources

Brechler, J.

A Project"Transformation of air pollution, modelling its transport and dispersion"

Galperin, M., M. Sofiev, A. Maslyaev, S. Grigoryan

Complex assessment of the toxic pollution of the lake Baikal region

Mironakis, K. A., P. A. Kassomenos

Application of MM5 model in the north-west area of Greece. First results

Abiodun, B. J., V.O Ajayi

Mesoscale circulation over the Jos plateau (Nigeria). Numerical studies

Milukaite, A., A. Mikelinskiene

Identification of local and long -range sources of Benzo(a)pyrene and soot

Finardi, S., G. Agnesod, G. Brusasca, G. Calori, A. Nanni, G. Pession, G. Tinarelli, M. Zublena

Integrated air quality assessment of an Alpine Region: evaluation of the Mont Blanc tunnel re-opening effects

Breznik, B., M. Z. Boznar, P. Mlakar

Dose projection using dispersion models

Cosemans, G., J. Kretzschmar

Pollution roses for 24 h averaged pollutant concentrations by regression

Coutinho, M., C. Ribeiro, C. Borrego

Uncertainties of environmental impact assessment due to input modelling data variability

Dimov, I., K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev

Some source-receptor relations studied by the Danish Eulerian model

Laupsa, H., L. H. Slordal

Applying model calculations to estimate urban air quality with respect to the requirements of the EU directives on NO2, PM10 and C6H6

Mineter, M. J., A. N. Skouloudis, C. Jarvis, S. Dowers

Towards utilisation of the Grid in advanced environmental decision support

Moldenhauer, A., J. Friebertshaeuser, A. Kostov, A. Tzenkova, J. Ivancheva, H. Lorenz, A. Lohmeyer

Air pollution modelling in the Bulgarian-German Twinning Project"Support of air quality management at local level"

Pecha, P. , E. Pechova

Application of multi-pathway transport model for regulation of normal atmospheric radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities

Syrakov, D., M. Prodanova, K. Slavov

Description and performance of bulgarian emergency response system

Wesseling, J., J. den Boeft, G.A.C. Boersen, K. Hollander, K.D. van den Hout, M.P. Keuken, H. Spoelstra, S.D. Teeuwisse, O. Weinhold, P.Y.J. Zandveld

Development and validation of the new TNO model for the dispersion of traffic emissions

Skouloudis, A. N., M. J. Mineter

The long-term sustainability and socio-economic implications of integrated regulatory approaches

Ivancheva, J., A. Tzenkova, D. Syrakov

On the use of measurement and climatic data for air pollution impact assessment

Garcia, J. M., L.M.R. Coelho, A.Ribeirete,M. Nogueira, P. Machado, R.Magalhães

Air quality analysis in the city of Setubal - scenarios generation to support municipality decisions

Tzenkova, A., J. Ivancheva, D. Syrakov

Meteorological preprocessing for air pollution impact assessment

Keder, J.

Testing of the maximum ozone concentration prediction method based on typical weather situations

Olesen, H.

Introduction to the 8th harmonisation conference

Scorer, R.

The need for climatological statistics of urban air pollution and a numerical matrix to support legislation